One of our main pillars as an organisation and which is also reflected in our mission statement is Education.
As an NGO we strongly believe that education is the tool for public awareness, nature conservation and action and the contribution towards the improvement of our natural heritage.
Nature Trust (Malta) therefore organises various courses such as the Natural History Course and the Marine Biology Course. It makes school visits to present and discuss environmental issues of concern, guided walks aimed at making local communities aware of their natural heritage in their own back yard.
Furthermore as part of its on going education process towards sustainable development, NTM today runs various programmes of the Foundation for Environmental Education FEE. EkoSkola (Eco schools or Green Flag), Young Reporters for the Environment YRE and Blue Flag for beaches and marines.
Other activities include Exhibitions, illustrated talks etc
Publications play and important roles in education
These include
The Central Mediterranean Naturalist – CMN – an annual scientific journal
Archipelago – a publication in layman english on various ecological sites in Malta and Gozo
Ballottra – a publication aimed at the younger generations
Il Kampanja – a bi annual newsletter
Other publications include -Ir Rettili, Dwejra, Majjistral Park, Zinn u Honey, Xingu f Wied Ghollieqa, Zeri Balluta etc
Contact us: [email protected]